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Meta dares to change its iconic logo.. read on my intrepid friends


In an age of innovation, where multi-million dollar corporations are brave enough to shake up the tech space, Meta has done the unthinkable. Changing their blue lower case 'f' logo to a slightly darker blue. This is of course more in line with Metas ethos and marks a spiritual shift from a paradigm that is ever so subtly a lighter baby blue. They have gently yet gregariously manipulated the font to a delicate balance of 'we care' and 'please keep using us'. It strikes a balance that banishes Tik Tok from my mind almost instantaneously. I feel a great weight, lifting off of me and suddenly I understand that Mark Zuckerberg might just love me after all. Wow, isn't marketing incredible? I know I feel better. Thanks Meta Look, I know this was a bit of a lark, and I appreciate you reading my nonsense, but here is something actually tangible that isn't from my Island-addled noggin. Here is Meta's announcement regarding their brave shift: Our intention was to create a refreshed design of the Facebook logo that was bolder, electric and everlasting. Each of the distinctive, new refinements drive greater harmony across the entire design as a key element of the app’s identity. We’ve done this by incorporating a more confident expression of Facebook’s core blue color that is built to be more visually accessible in our app and provides stronger contrast for the “f” to stand apart. According to Meta, an average of two billion users use Facebook everyday. So while it does make sense on a grand scheme that small adjustments are more substantial than they seem, it is still a fun diversion to make fun of the unclothed emperor.

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