Home security is now becoming a much hotter topic in these changing times. To help our customers and our fellow Waihekeans we now offer secure CCTV monitoring, alerting and with our partners we can offer physical response, as well as notifications of customised events.
What do we mean by integrated? The solution we supply is fully integrated as part of our secured Internet / Wi-Fi solutions; no separate recorder is required, the main device which we implement to securely deliver reliable, fast, scalable wi-fi to your premises acts as the recording device, no need for a separate system. The building access is also integrated into the solution providing a number of ways to securely access your site. The same solution that notifies of detections by the CCTV also notifies us, or you, of network issues, intrusions, hacking attempts, outages and performance issues, bringing everything into one industry standard solution.
Standard CCTV Options
· 2k to 4k Resolution.
· Vehicle / Person Events.
· Night / IR Vision.
· 2 Way Audio.
· Geo based Alerts.
· Configurable Zones; activity and privacy zones.
· Advanced Options Available.
· Viewable on ‘phone, PC, TV with customisable and dynamic views.
Advanced CCTV Options
As well as the functions stated over leaf there are advance options for CCTV:
· AI provides Vehicle Number Plate and Facial recognition
· Enhanced Accuracy and Detection Range
· 360 degree views.
· Audio detections and alerting including alarms, car alarms, babies crying.
· Automatic pan, tilt and tracking.
Building and Site Access
A series of integrated options are available such as simple key fob, card, numerical code, ‘phone proximity and facial recognition.
· Door Access with or without camera and audio.
· Secured locking mechanisms.
· Keys, codes, tokens, phone access available.
· Seamlessly integrates into CCTV and Wi-Fi solution.
Island Tech Monitoring and Response
All customers who take out a support contract benefit from their solutions being monitored and supported remotely by our team of specialists. This allows us to remotely manage, support and upgrade your systems but also notifies us of unusual events detected by your security systems.
First Response
With our Security partners, WDS, we can offer an extension to our monthly contract where WDS receive alerts from your security system and can send a qualified security guard to your premises depending upon your choice of events and notifications.
Contact us for a free evaluation. 2 Belgium St Ostend