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Ever wonder what to do with old computers?


Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Here at Island Tech we promote sustainability and eco friendly practices. As part of this ideology we often take old kit and recycle it, sometimes to donate to a charity or those in need and sometimes to sell cheaply to someone who can’t afford to upgrade or buy new.

Quite often older computers can be upgraded by combining components from several broken, defunct ones and making a new one from the working parts, which is great for average use.

Often we will re-purpose these machines and sell them cheaply, or even donate them, as a service to the community.

If you have old kit then please let us know; it might just be of use to someone on the island who otherwise might not be able to get hold of a computer for home use.

Our normal hours are 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday, but to be sure of a timely service please drop us an email or give us a ring 09 870 5698 to book an appointment. 28 Belgium Street.

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