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Isn't Technology wonderful? With the cell reception being boosted with new antler based systems, we are now able to track Father Christmas in real time as he does his rounds. In just under two days, the magical Christmas sleigh registered JINGLE will take to the skies of the north pole and begin it's transcontinental journey. The sleigh is a 9 Horse power machine that has no issue with transgressing the laws of space and time.

Here is the link to follow this the journey of this garish overachiever: Merry Kirihimete/Christmas to our Waiheke friends and family.

Island Tech will be available for urgent requests throughout the Holiday period. Do give us a call or email if you need assistance with any of your tech needs. Wouldn't it be lovely if the WiFi just 'worked' while the inlaws are visiting? Don't suffer in silence, reach out Island Tech 28 Belgium Street, Ostend 098705698

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